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20 octobre 2012 6 20 /10 /octobre /2012 20:29




I was at the Agile Tour 2012 in Lausanne Friday 12th October. A good chance to meet up with former coworkers and take time to think about agility in a quiet place, far from my office in London.


There were around 60 attendee and 12 Speakers. The conference was in French but it was possible to talk to speakers in english. So far i have seen : 


- "How use agility in general project" by Jean-Pierre Rey (HEVS Sierre) . How to use agility in projects that are not in IT sector.


- "Scrum Master, snakes and crocodiles" by Jérôme Perakis (We Can Live on Mars). How the Vivarium of Lausanne uses scrum.


- Workshop "Agile Dice" by Alex Cuva (Altran). How to calculate velocity.


- "How convert to agility a manager used to cascad fall?" par Léonard Bouchet (RTS). Where and why Cascade fall or agility can fail or succes. With an interesting concept of Agile semi-fail : When agile is use only by dev team but not all the company.

I prefer see there a semi-success, because It's probably the most common work environement of current agile pratictionners in IT and even in this case the team is often more efficient and motivated that in a full cascade fall project.







Léonard Bouchet - Agile Tour Lausanne 2012



Silvana Wasitova made a short presentation of Wiki Speed : a car developed by methods of fast-moving company software. Very amazing project with already some very good result. For example this car has recently passed a 5 star crash test in all direction.


Links :

Agile tour Lausanne : http://at2012.agiletour.org/en/lausanne.html

Wikispeed : http://www.wikispeed.com

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6 octobre 2012 6 06 /10 /octobre /2012 22:03





The 4th October 2012 Christopher Marsh talked about Agility in a agency environement. This event was orgnised by Agile London in the AQKA agency. The entrance was free like the beers and crisp. People friendly, it was a nice evening event. 


I was specificaly interested about his experience with continuous delivery .


His main observations are :

- In a project using a interatif process like scrum, the team needs to make some releases regulary,  to be tested by a QA tester at least.

- Sprint after sprint it becomes more and more time consuming to produce a release and deploy it. This decreases the velocity of the team


His solution :

- Make delivery to the QA by a kind of green button: The QA can deployement when he need a build if it is ready


The 2 benefits of this :

- Stabilise and minimize the cost of the deployements in a sprint 

- Remove the direct depency between developers and QA testers : Developers have to prepare a stable release at the end of each sprint. QA team can test it when it have time for it.


Lot of organisations are reluctant to use continuous delivery because they think it's almost impossible to make the last stage : contiuous deployment in production. Anyway they should use continuous delivery until QA in the purpose to increase the productivity of dev teams and QA teams.


Links :

Agile london : http://agilelondon.ning.com

Continuous delivery : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuous_delivery

Christopher March : http://www.cjmarsh.com








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2 avril 2012 1 02 /04 /avril /2012 19:24


SA UserGroup France sm1

I attended on the Scrum Day 2012, the 27th March 2012 in Paris.


It happend in Espace CAP 15 close to the Seine river and the Eiffel Tower. At least 300 people attended to this conference about Scrum and Agility in France.


This conference was constitued of 4 tracks and 3 worksshops.


I participated in a Kanban workshop organized by Laurent Morisseau. The objective was to show how use kanban to realease a maximum of business value in a a fixed periode of time. 


I really appreciate the session of Thierry Montulé : Scrum aux frontières de la psychologie social (Scrum at the border of the social psychology).  It's a brillant (and funny) attempt to explain how Scrum works according to a sociological analysis.


But there was one thing in particular that impresses  me: During a session about Agile Management, Thierry Cos ask "If you have already read the Agile Manifesto could you put your hand up?" 50% of the attendees put their hand up! 

I was very surprised because the majority of them are managers not programmers. I think 2 years ago only developers would know what the Agile Manifesto is.


It seems that agility is part of the mainstream in France now and that all main companies use it or try to use it.



The official web site (in French) : www.scrumday.fr

The news letter of the French Scrum user group (In english and French) : http://paper.li/frenchsug

The program in English : http://agileinspearit.wordpress.com/2012/03/09/27th-march-inspearit-at-scrum-day-2012-in-paris

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9 octobre 2011 7 09 /10 /octobre /2011 17:11



I was at the Second Edition of Softshake in Geneva this week. 2 Days of presentations and demonstrations about Java, Agility, Mobility and new Programming Languages.


I spend 50% of my time to discovert some new features in Java 7 and the JVM. I appreciated the presentation of Fork/Join framework in Java SE 7 by Julien Ponge.


It was also my chance to try some functional languages like Erlang and Clojure.


It was great conference and i will attend to the next in 2012.


 Links : SoftShake

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11 juin 2010 5 11 /06 /juin /2010 11:24



La prochaine présentation du GenevaJUG est consacrée à EE6 et GlassFish v3.


Cette présentation est faite par Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine.


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26 mai 2010 3 26 /05 /mai /2010 16:29

L'association Soft-Shake a été créée le 18 Mai 2010 à Genève.  L'objectif de Soft-Shake est l'organisation de conférence sur le développement logiciel.


Le bureau de Soft-Shake est constitué de:

 - Jacques Couvreur (Président)

 - Géraud De Laval (Vice Président)

 - Marc Elian Bégin (Trésorier)

 - David Gimelle (Secrétaire)

Maxime Novak est commissaire au compte.


La première conférence aura lieu en Octobre 2010 à Genève et portera sur Java, L'agilité et l'iPhone.



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6 mai 2010 4 06 /05 /mai /2010 10:51

50 places de plus sont disponible pour la soirée technologies google du Geneva JUG le 17 Mai 2010 par Didier Girard à L'uni-mail.

Le site du Geneva JUG : www.genevajug.ch

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30 mars 2010 2 30 /03 /mars /2010 18:02



Lors du dernier XP Day de Genève (http://xpday.agile-swiss.org  )a été annoncé le lancement d'une nouvelle conférence à Genève en Octobre 2010 : Soft-Shake Event : http://soft-shake.ch


Cette conférence rassemblera 3 mondes assez proches : L'Agilité, Java et l'iPhone.


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24 janvier 2010 7 24 /01 /janvier /2010 12:50
logoGenevaJugLa première présentation du Genéva JUG aura lieu mardi 26 Janvier à 18h à l'Hepia.

Au menu :

- Présentation rapide du Geneva JUG par Xavier Bourguignon
- Présentation de Play Framework par Guillaume Bord et Habib GUERGACHI.

Play Framework est un framework Java de développement web : www.playframework.org

Venez nombreux et n'oubliez de vous inscrire : www.jugevents.org/jugevents/event/22746

Le site du Geneva JUG : www.genevajug.ch/topic.jsp?id=1586
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8 juillet 2009 3 08 /07 /juillet /2009 19:35

L'agile Tour 2009 se met en place pour le mois d'Octobre prochain.

L'étape de Genève  aura lieu le 12 Octobre 2009 au Geneva Business Center. 

L'objectif de l'Agile Tour est de promouvoir l'agilité et de faire évoluer les pratiques de chacun.

Le site de l'Agile Tour : http://www.agiletour.com/
Le site du Geneva Business Center : http://www.geneva-business-center.com/

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  • David Gimelle
  • Java Developer for more 10 years. I worked in France, Canada and Switzerland. I am contractor in London since 2010.
  • Java Developer for more 10 years. I worked in France, Canada and Switzerland. I am contractor in London since 2010.


You can contact me here

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